Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random Musings

This year, the newspaper staff began publishing a serial column entitled "Random Musings." I always keep a running list in my drawer of random musings, mostly heard from kids, and some taken out of context, but that's how I heard them and also why they were funny.

Here is the list I recently published on my facebook to celebrate the end of the school year.

On the eve of the day that herd of yellow, diesel burning buses carry our little darlings away for the summer, I thought I'd share with you a list I've kept throughout the year. This is a list of things I never thought I'd hear in my classroom. Sometimes these are headscratchers, and other times, they happen at the darndest moments and provide a well-deserved laughable moment. Feel free to add your own!

"Miss G, you have a yummy floor."

"Happy Purple" (one of my faves, and a fave of the PX staff)

"Why would I bring a pencil, I like pens." (Do you have a pen?) "NO!"

"What's a verb again?"

"You verbed my pronoun, you rat bastard!"

"SQWAAAK! Shhh... you're scaring my pterodactyl."

"Why would anyone give me an award, I've done less this year than in my entire academic career combined!" (But, I think it's all relative to what the award giver sees.) "What's that got to do with the price of butter......mmmm... buttttaaaahhh..."

"I hate my parents. They are making me get my driver's license."

"Miss, do you have pretzels?" (No.) "I know you have pretzels, where are you hiding them, I can smell them."

"Miss, a bug just flew into the window. I think it's still moving"

"Who needs pants?"

"Are we doing anything in here today?"

"There's a toilet in the bathroom."

"Outline, what's an outline?"

"Weren't there any Mexican Puritans?"

"The Cold War? Was that like in the Ice Age?" (followed by...) "Ice Age, you mean like the movie?"

"Miss, was Yoda an ewok, or was he like half and half?"